Yessssssssssszzzzzzzzzzz ....
Real Madrid is Turkish Airlines EuroLeague Champion 2015 te Final Four
in Madrid geworden.
Zij versloegen in eigen huis Olympiakos in de Finale met 78 -- 59.
Was het te verwachten ... ja
Wilden zij het meest .... nouuuuu
Moesten zij het worden .... ja
Met alle geweld ...... ja
Ondanks walgelijke gedrag van ...... ja
Zijn de Spanjaarden er om bekend ... ja
Komen ze elke keer mee weg .... ja
Lesss freeking die niet optraden tegen ... ja
In de halve finale CSKA -- Olympakos een Spaanse freeking zebra op de wed. zetten ..... ja
Is dat niet vragen om ..... ?????
Vergeet niet dat ULEB .... Spaans en Grieks aangelegenheid is .... owww wist u dat niet ...
Waar 2 x de Finale verloren te hebben ... in Madrid moest en zal en wil en ..... ja
In de Halve Finale tegen Fenerbahce Ulker .... de harde en walgelijke harde spel
niet tegen optreden ..... jaaaaaaaaaaa
Als je 1è ... 3è en de 4è kwart wint ..... jaaaaaa
Maar je krijgt een geweldige dreun op je neus in de 2è kwart in die wedstrijd ..... ja
Mijn hemel 35 punten op je neus .... ja
Je doet niks als coach zijnde en kijkt er naar als een O ..... die naar een trein kijkt op den weide
waar die O... lekker lummelt en vers graszzzzz ... en vitamines toe eigent en je doet nog steeds niks ..... ja
Na 1995 .... eehh 20 jaar dus moest Madrid ka... eehhhh .... laat maar
Kan en wil nog meer schrijven ..... wie ben ik.
Ik heb weekend lang genoten van basketball , waar Vrijdag avond de halve finales van Final Four.
Op Zaterdag de Finales in onze eigen kikkerlandje waar basketball gespeeld werd van andere niveau
de Finales in Zwolle.
Op Zondag het verjaardag van mijn oude buurvrouw vieren waar zij 80 jaar werd, waar zij voor mij 2 oma is waar we .. nu niet , maar 25 jaar lang naast elkaar gewoond hebben.
Neeeeeeeeeeeuuu .... hier komt GEEN enkel basketball tussen en was de gehele middag
bij mijn oma die 80 werd.
Toni ..... van harte gefeliciteerd en gelukkig en gezond .. nog vele jaren.
Dus kwam ik laat thuis en zag de Finale van Final Four ook LIVE op de Spaanse Canal + Deportes
kanaal in Spaans dus en was heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerlijk.
Wel kan ik jullie vertellen dat de wedstrijd om de bronze plak die tussen CSKA Moscow en Fenerbahce Ulker Istanbul ging en die werd gewonnen door CSKA met 86 - 80.
Waar Fener weer eerste helft belabbert speelde en 27 punten achter stond , waar zij in de 3è kwart
goede comme back maakten en toch nog verloren.
Ik ga jullie niet lastig vallen met mijn ...woorden , dat doen de echte journalisten van echte web sites.
Hier onder de info die meer en waardevol info te vinden is en waar deze info is van de web site van
Onze dank voor het verder verspreiden van deze info en de mooie foto`s.
The info and photo`s are from the web site of
Our thank`s for shearing this info with our fan`s.
Real Madrid is Euroleague champion for record ninth time
After a two-decade break, Real Madrid is once again the king of Europe! Madrid defeated Olympiacos Piraeus 78-59 the 2015 Turkish Airlines Euroleague Final Four Championship Game on Sunday night at Barclaycard Center in the Spanish capital to become continental champion for a record ninth time. It also marked a record 15th European title for the club. Madrid’s last Euroleague title came in 1995 when it defeated Olympiacos in Zaragoza, Spain. Captain Felipe Reyes received the Euroleague trophy from the King of Spain, Felipe VI, and raised it in celebration. Madrid took charge in the second quarter and led 35-28 at halftime. Olympiacos used a 0-12 third-quarter run to take a 40-41 lead, but Jaycee Carroll took over with 11 straight points and Los Blancos never looked back. Madrid outscored Olympiacos 38-18 over the final 14 minutes to claim the historic victory. Carroll led the winners with 16 points on 4-of-5 three-point shooting. Final Four MVP Andres Nocioni contributed 12 points and 7 rebounds, Sergio Llull also scored 12 and Sergio Rodriguez added 11. Matt Lojeski paced the Olympiacos attack with 17 points, Georgios Printezis netted 11 and Kostas Sloukas and Othello Hunter had 10 each. Vassilis Spanoulis was held to just 3 points.
Real Madrid
“It’s hard to find words now. I am really very, very happy. First for my players. I think they did a great job during the year, coming back from all the tough moments - injuries, losses. But we were able to stay together. That’s what I asked in every game, to stay together. And you need that when you have stars. And that’s what they are. I have 13 stars. I tried to make a team. All of this is very nice. We are European champions and I feel very proud of my players."
“I always insist on the team. And I consider myself just another member of the team. Personally I am very happy for having won this title, because this really gives you recognition. But it’s equally as important as the recognition of my daily work."
“I will not change because I am a European champion. I tried to convey that to my players and everybody on the team. Everyone is as important as Andres Nocioni. I feel very happy for them because they worked very hard. I feel very happy for the club, because I know how demanding Real Madrid is."
“A few weeks ago I was having dinner with my family and my son said he didn’t think we would stay in Madrid for so many years. My own son said that."
“Do I feel satisfied? No. I am happy, calm. But if we lose the game on Wednesday I will be very mad. That’s the way I am."
“I don’t have the magic potion because [Spanoulis] scored only 3 points. The guys did a great job that he didn’t get in a rhythm on offense. We used different players on him so he couldn’t get used to anyone. It was team defense. We did a great job on him.”
Olympiacos Piraeus
“I would like to congratulate Real Madrid because they won the title after so many years. They played really good tonight. As they played tonight, they deserved to win. From the other side we tried to do our best in difficult circumstances because Madrid have good players at every position and they are playing on their home court and in front of their home fans."
“We kept the tempo on our side. And the score is closer to 70-60. If the home team scores 70 points and you have a good offensive day, then you can be in a good position. But offensively we were not good. It was obvious that we had a lack of energy for the game. And in the semifinal we had 16 offensive rebounds and today only 5. The energy was not with us."
“It was very important in the second and third periods that Madrid scored some tough shots. Carroll’s shots changed the momentum of the game. It was really difficult after that."
“For us we are disappointed. But deep inside us we are very proud to play another final despite all the difficulties. We fought and we went back to the Final Four."
“I want to thank all of our fans that supported us here. Their voice was with us for the two games. We thank them for the big support that they gave us. We will promise them that we will do our best, that we will have more big games and finals and titles to make them happy.”
Door LuluHoops
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